In the Christmas vacation I started making me a new dress, but haven't finished it yet though... It needs to be finished for summer!
In the Christmas vacation I started making me a new dress, but haven't finished it yet though... It needs to be finished for summer!
From my last earrings session.
I've been drawing a display box for my card game. It will have the shape of a gingerbread house and house 18 decks of cards.
I'm all about Christmas now. Listening to Italian pop songs (which in Iceland are Christmas songs! The same songs with new lyrics) I finally finished my 3rd pair of mini candycane socks. This pair I gave to my newest uncle, Völundur. He seems happy about them.
Hrefna Rún (the mother) took the two last pictures.
Earlier this month I hosted a card game event in SPARK gallery. I made hot chocolate and gingerbread for the players. I made the gingerbread in the shape of "kleina", a twisted doughnut Icelandic grandmas are famous for, with a convenient kleinu-wheel that cuts the whole shape in one go. I call the cookies piparkökukleinur. They were tasty.
Now I've just picked up a prototype from the local printer. I wanted to see how the colors and pictures looked printed from an industrial printer (not an office printer) and on both sides. I like it!
I can now use this prototype for the video and other photographs for the game ;)
Here is an update: a better prototype! Yay! Changed the rules a lot, added coffee cards and drew new pictures of the cakes. Take a look:
I don't really know when or how I got the idea, but suddenly I had a prototype of a game in front of me. It was a remake of a game I love called LoverLetter. My game is about Icelandic Christmas cakes and cookies and the goal is to find the cookie thief. Here is my prototype that I have been carrying around to make my friends try and brainstorm with me.
I love everything out of scale, either miniature or giant. I realized not so long ago that all of my earrings are in fact an objects, often a tiny everyday object, like a bubblegum dispenser, spoon or bag of popcorn.
I bought some fimo-clay earlier and thought I could make some earrings for myself. This is what I did.
I love baking. Yesterday I made these cakes for my boyfriends graduation :)
Chocolate cake with white chocolate frosting and homemade Oreo-cookies.
I'm going to start a blog right here and now, focusing on stuff I like to do. Yesterday I painted figurines from the board game The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac with my good friend Auður Ösp. It was fun.
Here is the result.